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healing from the inside out

Your body is the narrator of your life story.

Listen to it's whispers for they hold the key to your well-being.



what is it whispering to you?

The world is noisy and loud, with a deliberately designed system to keep us distracted and disconnected from ourselves.


Our society is infiltrated with the go-go-go lifestyle that keeps the hamster wheel spinning. We wake up, rush our family to a few different places, get to work, and tirelessly spend our hours working a job that doesn't fulfill us. Only to come home, rush off to sports or other obligations, and ultimately spend little time with the people we love the most -- including ourselves. And alas, that little window of time as we reach the end of the night where our bodies are numb from the day's events. We zone out in mindless scrolling, searching for dopamine until our eyes are just too tired to stay awake any longer. We drift off to sleep just to wake up and do it all over again -- and the wheel just keeps on spinning.


Most of us live some version of this life, and because of the constant spinning, we are too distracted and tired to have a deep inner connection with ourselves. So much so that the communication between our mind and body is tethered, and in some cases, completely turned off.


We can't hear the communication from our bodies. We can't hear the warning signs. We hear no whispers.


We can't feel the subtle cues our bodies are lovingly nudging us with to desperately grab our attention. We can't feel how unaligned we actually are. We don't understand how much this spinning has veered us off our divine path.


So then what? We keep up this trajectory until we can no longer compete.


Our bodies have had enough. They do what it takes to grab hold of our attention. They get loud enough for us to hear... and in ways that, deep down, we personally care a lot about, like our health.


Typically, their form of loud, earth-shattering communication is sickness and disease in the body. After years of being ignored, we are jolted awake when our hamster wheel can no longer spin the way it used to, when we can't live life like we used to. Whether that wake-up is on a smaller scale, like allergies, or on a larger scale, like a cancer diagnosis or an autoimmune disorder.


We sit back with our broken wheel and don't realize we've missed the warning signs. This isn't something that is taught. How were we supposed to know we've missed the communications from our body?


We are suddenly consumed with anger, hurt, and resentment because we somehow feel our body has failed us, that it's let us down.


But that couldn't be further from the truth.


Every symptom, every diagnosis, disorder, or part that isn't up to optimal speed in the body is simply a form of communication.


From a body that loves you so much and desperately wants you to hear what it has to say because it knows the life you desire to live. It knows how to course-correct, to heal itself. It just needs to be given the chance.


And that starts with awareness and finally choosing to get off the hamster wheel long enough to patiently listen to the story it has written, to review the hundreds of pages of articulated words written down of memories and pent-up emotions, to finally hear the translations from the body.


Healing starts when you begin your journey back home to yourself.

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coming home

the journey of 

Do I have your attention now? she pleads.


Shocked to hear her small cry after so long, you hardly recognize her voice.


After spending time in isolation, anger, and confusion, jumping from modality to modality with little relief, the symptoms haven't lessened much. But what you've gained is a lot of time with yourself and the space to slow down.


As time moves on, the gravity of the situation hits you, and you realize the gift this health condition has brought you.


The start of a long journey back home to yourself.


It's hard to remember a time when you made time to visit this home, maybe even since childhood. It's difficult to recall the intricate details of its charm.


You're sure the house is old, tattered, and filled with dust. Shame starts to creep in when you realize it's been so long that you don't even remember the paths to take to get back.


The home where you once played, dreamed, and rested. Where you let your imagination run wild. Where you weren't chained to others' thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. Where you were free to be you. All of you. Just the way you are. A place where, when you stepped inside, it just felt like HOME.


You know if you could just find your way back, you'll also find healing.


You'll find days ahead filled with open communication with your body. No longer will you allow this one precious life to be filled with menial deadlines and dates to keep yourself busy and distracted. No longer pressing on when she's asking you to pause. No longer silencing her when she wants to be heard.


You've finally seen that she's orchestrated this all in your favor. How it was all with the sole purpose of navigating you back home.


Our body is on our side. Our body holds a story.


The only question is... are you listening?

resources to pack for your journey back

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work 1:1 to translate your

body talk 

Although our bodies are always communicating with us, understanding their language can be challenging at first. It takes time and effort to learn how to translate those messages.


Book a 1:1 session with Maggie, and let her help you interpret your body's signals so you can focus your energy on the inner work needed for true healing.

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join our signature program

main character energy

Unlock the life you've always dreamed of with our signature program Main Character Energy. This transformative program goes beyond surface-level self-care, teaching you how to deeply prioritize and love yourself, leading to powerful shifts in your relationships, career, health, and many more aspects of life. Join the waitlist now to be the first to be notified when doors open!


submit a question

intuitive analysis

Do you have burning questions that need answers? Submit your inquiries here, and receive a personalized audio response filled with insights to guide you in the right direction.


Questions may cover a range of topics, including life guidance, body translations, aligned healing modalities, timeline inquiries, and more!

personalize your food choices

nourishment assessment

There are so many food options available for us right now that it can be hard to choose! We know to eat real foods -- but which ones are the most healing and beneficial for our body?


Purchase your Nourishment Assessment to find out and never doubt again which foods are hurting or helping your bio-individual body.


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